We Discuss, You Decide.
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We would love for you to listen to our provocative discussions whether live Thursday mornings at 8:00 CST on https://www.facebook.com/WeDiscussYouDecide/ or at your convenience on our podcast on this site or on Spotify . We provide two perspectives on an issue and discuss the probability of finding Common Ground.
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What do you think some of the pressing issues are in this great country? Please contact us with your ideas for show topics or guests. If you know someone who may be a good guest on the show, please do not hesitate to contact us . Please email us at noskin.commonground@gmail.com
Our Message
This country was built on debate and compromise. Our forefathers spent countless hours debating over the Constitution and Declaration of Independence. This is what made our country great. At the end of any major debate, both sides must meet on Common Ground. We as a nation are so divided and “stuck” on our position. We want to make a difference.
Common Ground is a unique venue discussing hot topics with guests representing varying points of view. Your hosts will keep the discussion moving and at times lighten the mood to present an informative yet entertaining listening and viewing experience.
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